Seizures Symptoms and causes

There are many potential triggers for someone who is prone to seizures. Flashing lights, especially repetitive on and off or patterns, may trigger a seizure. However, someone who is having an alcohol withdrawal seizure may not need any trigger other than stopping alcohol use. Alcohol withdrawal seizures may begin within hours to days of stopping alcohol use or starting an alcohol detox. The timeframe will be different for everyone, but seizures will normally start within the first 72 hours.

  1. One of these negative reactions is the possible raised risk of seizures.
  2. About 5 percent of people detoxing from alcohol abuse will have alcohol withdrawal seizures as part of the process of quitting drinking.
  3. People with epilepsy who drink alcohol may also be less likely to adhere to their medication schedule.
  4. Serum electrolytes, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium were carried out in all patients at the time of presentation.
  5. Prior to the interview, each participant was educated on the scientific background and purpose of the study.

Some experts link excessive alcohol consumption to the development of epilepsy. Doctors and pharmacists are always warning people with epilepsy about alcohol. If you have epilepsy, drinking alcohol can have marijuana cannabis, weed serious consequences. Most people with epilepsy are told not to drink, but that’s not always realistic. Knowing the facts about alcohol as a seizure trigger can help you adjust drinking decisions as needed.

Alcohol-Induced Seizures: Why Does Alcohol Cause Seizures?

FASD which is otherwise known as Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is a wide-ranging term that is used to refer to the various effects of drinking on a person who was prenatally exposed to it. When a patient drinks heavily and suffers this drop in blood sugar, it can lead to feelings of faintness as well as spasms. Alcohol may also cause the dehydration and avitaminosis, which are likely to result in more severe disorders like Wernicke-Korsakoff disease. The severity and length of the alcohol withdrawal period significantly depends on how much, how often, and how long the person has been drinking alcohol. Alcoholic seizures are also an indication that a person in alcohol withdrawal may progress to delirium tremens.

If you think that someone has alcohol poisoning, seek medical care right away. When the person you love has recovered from the seizure, explain how treatment works. Outline how counseling combined with medications can ease chemical imbalances caused by addiction.

International Patients

More than 50% of individuals will experience a new seizure and in 5% of these cases, progression to a sustained epilepticus status can occur. Most of these antiepileptic medications also have side effects that mimic those of alcohol. They may slow down central nervous system responses, make a person sleepy, or cause parts of the brain to work differently. If you research a medication and these symptoms show up, it’s likely that AED will lower your tolerance for alcohol, too. Ultimately, everyone’s brain is different and responds to alcohol in different ways. You may choose to try a drink or two of alcohol in a controlled environment to find out if it triggers seizures, or you may decide drinking is not worth the risk of having a seizure at all.

Alcohol usually does not trigger seizures while the person is drinking. However, “withdrawal” seizures may occur 6 to 72 hours later, after drinking has stopped. Drinking moderately at the most will help you avoid developing alcohol dependence. This means drinking seven drinks a week for women and 14 for men at the most. While managing your drinking can help you avoid seizures, drinking in moderation can lead to more drinking, creating a risk of developing addiction and dependence.

Can alcohol trigger seizures?

Females can be more susceptible than males to many of the negative consequences of alcohol use, such as nerve damage, as they may begin to see effects from a lower amount of alcohol consumption. Patients underwent physical examination, routine hematological and biochemical investigations for liver and renal functions. Serum electrolytes, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium were carried out in all patients at the time of presentation. A computed tomography (CT) of the brain was done in all patients to rule out head injury and any other provoking cause for seizure like subdural hematoma. 1.5 tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI [Avanto-SQ Engine, Siemens Medical Systems, Erlanger, Germany]) of the brain was done in 12 patients with semiology suggestive of partial seizures. On MyEpilepsyTeam, the social network and online support group for people with epilepsy and their loved ones, members have discussed alcohol, epilepsy, and seizure triggers.

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Hangover Seizure

Withdrawal seizures can begin within just a few hours after stopping drinking, or they can take up to 72 hours to start. Withdrawal is something that happens when your body has become dependent on the presence of drugs or alcohol. If you are dependent on alcohol, it’s important to participate in a medically-supervised detox program, which can help alleviate the risks of the situation. First, our data on alcohol use depended on patients‘ self-reporting and may be affected by recall bias.

Researchers say there are two main reasons people drink – they turn to alcohol to cope with stress, or because of influences from their social circle. Avoiding alcohol is the best way to treat these conditions and relieve symptoms. Fetal alcohol syndrome can occur when a person is exposed to alcohol before birth. Alcoholic neuropathy occurs when too much alcohol damages the peripheral nerves. This can be permanent, as alcohol can cause changes to the nerves themselves.

Our professional staff is prepared to explain the treatment process and what it can look like for you or your loved one. The first priority is getting you or your loved one the help they need. Contact our treatment specialists helpline today to start the journey to recovery. Once the person becomes conscious, they are likely to be extremely confused, tired, and sore. After a seizure, the brain is working very hard to get itself back under control.

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